Welcome to HDC NEPAL



Human Development Centre (HDC), a non-political, non-profit making organization was established on 5th April 2005 [2061/12/23 (B.S.)] at Birtamod, Jhapa. HDC has been working primarily in Jhapa but also in  neighboring districts.  HDC has  worked in partnerships with the NGOs, INGOs and Local Government bodies  in empowering communities through skill development training for employment generation, advocating on sanitation end environment conservation. 
HDC has been managing community-based cooperative activities reaching out to over 1800 poor and entrepreneur families. HDC has contributed in peace building and community stabilization process by working in partnership with Chemonics/USAID/OTI program from January to March 2007 in Jhapa district. HDC carried out similar project working with the Chemonics/USAID/NTI program from November to December 2009 in Jhapa district. 

Lok Bahadur Majhi


Bharat Kusuwar

Executive Director

HDC has been working with the poor and marginalized people in rural Nepal to empower them in the process of meeting their basic needs, improving livelihoods, and building their own institutions. It substantially contributes to rural people’s empowerment and socio-economic reconstruction process, by embracing the rights-based approaches to development. HDC is also committed to creating an enabling environment for building a just, equitable, peaceful and prosperous society through social, economic and political empowerment of the rural poor, particularly the poor rural women, peasants, landless people and other disadvantaged and socially oppressed strata of Nepalese society. Therefore, besides implementing integrated community development programmes at grassroots, it is also extensively engaged in advocacy, lobbying and networking at local, national and international levels to protect and promote human rights and social justice.



Project so far






To improve the lives of the poorest rural people, particularly rural women, peasants, landless people and other disadvantaged and socially oppressed strata of Nepalese society by providing them opportunities for their socio-economic empowerment.


A world with JUSTICE, EQUALITY, PEACE and PROSPERITY for all citizens.


To educate the people for adoption of the good norms of a good citizenship and to inculcate into the people’s mind, ideals of national unity.


Publish people-oriented educational, advocacy, and development publications for the rural poor, field workers, and others involved in rural development.
Campaign at the local, national, and international levels on the root causes of poverty, human rights violations, and key development issues.
Implement development programmes with a rights-based perspective to improve the socio-economic status of the poor, oppressed, and vulnerable groups in rural areas and control accelerating natural resource degradation.
 Conduct action-oriented research on relevant socio-economic and environmental issues and utilise the learning within its development programmes and campaigns. 

Six -Fold Approach

All development programmes of HDC focus on the Six-fold approach of Human Development as the foundation upon which  its programme and project activities are based 

Project Timeline


•Vocational and skill based training for youths funded by LWF

• Cultural and social cohesion
• Community-based cooperative activities reaching out to low income and entrepreneur families .
• Comprehensive Peace Agreement
• Local Government and community development prgorm [LGCDP]
• Social Mobilization


•Micro Enterprise Development Program (MEDPA) -Funded By UNDP.

• Capacity buiding and training – leadership, report writing training, conflict management etc.
• Community Library and Awareness
• HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse Awareness program
• Community Preparedness for Disaster Risk Reduction
• Gender Responsive Fudget and Social Inclusion(LWF)

•Comprehensive Peace Agreement Funded by Chemonics/USAID (CPA)

•Open Defecation Free Program (ODF)-Funded By GSF

• Women Development, Child Right
• Uterus Prolapse Awareness
• Micro Enterprise Development Program (MEDEP)
• Community Preparedness for Disaster Risk Reduction (DIPECHO CPDRR)

•Local Government Community Development Program (LGCDP)- Funded by UNDP.

• Girls trafficking
• Micro Enterprise Development Program (MEDEP)
• Community-based cooperative management

•Preparing and combating impacts of new variants of covid-19 in Nepal(P&CI)

•Disaster-By Give2Asia.

•Community-Based Disaster Preparedness Efforts in South-Eastern Nepal.


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